
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lickety Split

A new episode of The Slumgullion is up.

What starts out as white-hot hatred for Francis Ford Coppola's Kickstarter somehow leads to Scott remembering that Tough Guys Don't Dance exists, which somehow leads to a spoiler filled, yet strangely non-spoilery review of the new M. Night Shyamalan film, Split.

Then Jeff and Mary recap Bones (name-checking longtime Crapper Sue Z Boo), and explain why Columbo had much better villains than Law Order: SVU.

Finally, Scott and Jeff are joined by World O' Crap staff writer Hank Parmer for an in depth analysis of the frontier cannibal horror comedy Ravenous, featuring performances that range from the inexcusable to the tripolar (and one that's actually pretty good).

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