Saturday, March 22, 2014

Post-Friday Beast Blogging: The "Mystery of the Take-Out Box" Edition

RILEY: What...?  Your tuna tataki is missing?

RILEY:  That's weird. Can't imagine what could have happened to it...


Kathy said...

Riley is very adept at the big-eyed-kitten expression. Lots of practice I presume.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Shirley the big orange cat took it.

ASSuming a cat took it, of course!

Li'l Innocent said...

We got hearty chuckles out of that sequence at our place, Scott. The thing about feline overlords/ladies is that they *deserve* to be overlords/ladies.

Anonymous said...

Annti said...

That third photo is the best sight-gag this side of Charlie Chaplin, the Three Stooges, or that Indiana Jones sequence with the whirling-dervish scimitar showoff, to whom Indy replies with a single pistol shot.

You ever wonder if Riley was Mae West or Jean Harlow in a past life? She DOES have a great gift for sarcasm... Like Harlow in "Red Dust" opposite Clark Gable (a film RUINED by the color remake as "MOGAMBO" 21 years later! Grace Kelly couldn't carry Jean's garter belt, nor Mary Astor's, though Ava Gardner was a helluva lot of fun, even when burdened with a shitty script. And poor Clark, in Africa, had to battle the rapidly-engulfing Plague Of Teh Rising Britches, that nearly consumed his armpits!), though I doubt that our furry heroine would put up with the humidity of Vietnam/"IndoChina," if that film ever left the back lots of Burbank...
