The liberal intolerance for intolerance has gotten out of hand this week, as Dr. Mike Adams reveals in another of his open letters, this time addressed to some guy at "Bank of Gay America." It seems that Doctor ("of Ministry") Frank Turek, who conducts "High Impact" training in "Leadership, Sales, Customer Service... and other people-skill topics essential for business success," was all set to run BoA employees through a boot camp on office comity, when Pontius Pilate (played at this performance by the Human Resources Department) ordered he be affixed to the Cross of Political Correctitude with the nails of Multiculturalism, even though it specifically says in the Handbook that employees are not allowed to attach anything to the walls of their cubicles, including calendars, posters, photographs, comic strips, or martyred teambuilding consultants.
In late May of this year Dr. Turek was hired to present at a meeting of your Global Business Management & Analysis Team...The title of his presentation was called “Why Can’t You Be Normal Just Like Me?” The presentation helps participants adapt to diverse personalities to improve productivity and relationships—the essence of inclusion and diversity.
Three days before the event Dr. Turek was abruptly fired by an HR representative. Why? She explained that someone Googled his name and discovered that he had written Correct, Not Politically Correct: How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone.Dr. Mike has a point. Hiring Frank Turek to teach your employees tolerance and respect for diversity, and then firing him just because he wrote a book declaring some of your staff to be hateful, hell-bound sodomites is a little like returning the unused portion of your patent medicine to Professor Feather and demanding a refund because it doesn't contain as much cobra ichor as you'd been lead to believe.
The rest of Dr. Mike's column is even duller than usual, so I decided to go to the source, Doctor Minister Turek himself, and see what the Bank of America Global Business Management & Analysis Team is missing.
Who Are the Real Gay Bigots and Bullies
George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” When you tell the truth about homosexuality today, you can be sure that the central tools of deceit—name-calling and bullying—will be unleashed.And when your enemies are unleashing deceit, you have no choice but to reach into your central tools box and pull out a totally credible transcript of a conversation we have no reason to doubt ever really occurred:
I recently was having a respectful conversation with a homosexual activist, but after I made a point he couldn’t answer he called me a “bigot.”Most gay people I know have heard all the arguments against them, and activists are usually well-practiced at arguing their position, so that must have been one hell of a new and devastating point, Doctor.
I asked, “What’s your definition of bigotry?”Ah, so you threw the power of the dictionary at him. Well, it's true, there's no responding to that...unless you happen to have a copy of it yourself, I suppose. For instance, it seems to me that "making a judgment without knowing the facts" is prejudice, while bigotry is better defined as "stubbornly clinging to an irrational hatred in defiance of the facts." But then, I'm no expert in Customer Service.
He said, “Fear and intolerance.”
I said, “The definition of bigotry is not ‘fear and intolerance.’ It’s making a judgment without knowing the facts.
I have written a book about the problems with same-sex marriage and the destructive medical consequences of homosexual behavior. So my convictions on those issues are based in fact not ‘bigotry.’ With all due respect, if anyone is engaged in bigotry it is you for judging my position as wrong without even knowing why I hold it.”With all due respect, Doctor-Minister, Hitler wrote a book too. Hey, so did I! That means my opinions about Battlefield Earth are based in fact, not bigotry toward Scientologists, which makes me feel a lot better about that time I told the guy at the Stress Test table on Hollywood Boulevard to shove that E-Meter up his ass and see if he could Clear his colon.
He was also falsely equating my opposition to a behavior as prejudice toward people who engage in that behavior. That’s the central fallacy in virtually every argument for homosexuality—if you don’t agree with homosexual behavior, you are somehow bigoted against people who want to engage in that behavior. How does that follow?I don't agree with folk dancing, but I don't pressure the Legislature to outlaw dirndls, or deny people their civil rights just because they've been known to schottische.
If conservatives and Christians are “bigots” for opposing homosexual behavior, then why aren’t homosexual activists bigots for opposing Christian behavior?
And if we are bigots for opposing same-sex marriage, then why aren’t homosexual activists bigots for opposing polygamous or incestuous marriage?Maybe nobody informed the homosexuals that polygamy and incest are Christian behaviors. Why don't you tell them? I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they find out.
Everyone puts limits on marriage—if marriage had no definition it wouldn’t be anything. Recognizing that marriage is between a man and a woman is not bigotry, but common sense rooted in the biological facts of nature. That’s why the state recognizes marriage to begin with—not because two people love one another but because only heterosexual unions can procreate and best nurture the next generation.The state recognizes contracts, which is what marriage is and always has been. And you'll note that when women -- who were once excluded from the process -- were finally allowed to enter into contracts on their own -- thus changing the definition from "a binding legal agreement between two dudes" -- contracts did not suddenly cease to exist.
Everyone also puts limits on behaviors. But opposing behavior is not the same as opposing or “hating” people. In fact, to really love people, we often have to oppose what they do!I -- I just realized...I love you, Frank.
But isn’t homosexuality like race? No. Race has nothing to do with behavior, but homosexuality is a behavior! Skin color affects no one, but destructive behavior affects many.According to recent theological pronouncements, reach-arounds can cause earthquakes and hurricanes. At least, if you're doing it right.
Moreover, sexual behavior is always a choice, race never is. You’ll find many former homosexuals, but you’ll never find a former African-American.Except in Imitation of Life.
So if you don’t approve of a man because of his race, you are a bigot. But if you don’t approve of a man’s destructive behavior, you are wise.And if your definition of "destructive behavior" includes "an attempt by a self-appointed prophet to turn his private hatreds into public policy" and you disapprove of that -- go to the head of the class.
Second, while desires are not a choice, sexual behavior always is. So regardless of the source of sexual desires, people are certainly capable of controlling their sexual behavior. If you claim that they are not—that sexual behavior is somehow uncontrollable—then you have made the absurd contention that no one can be morally responsible for any sexual crime, including rape, incest, and pedophilia.I'm not claiming that gay men cannot control their sexual behavior, Frank; I'm claiming that you can't control it. You're not allowed. You don't have the right. In fact, given that you can't tell the difference between consensual relations and criminal behavior, I'm not sure you're even qualified to run your own sex life.
*Thanks to L'il Innocent for the title