Monday, May 18, 2015

Leapin' Lepus!

In the latest episode of the All Star Summer Jamboree podcast, I had the privilege of joining host Jeff Holland, along with the proprietors of No-Budget Nightmares, Doug Tilley and Moe Porne, for a probing, Face The Nation-style panel discussion of the 2014 film, Beaster Day: Here Comes Peter Cottonhell.
Jeff thinks he has become violently allergic to bad films. His panel of experts convinces him otherwise. There is swearing, there is laughter, there are boobs, there is a bunny puppet.
If you've got half an hour to kill, click here. It's a relatively merciful form of euthanasia.


tony in san diego said...

Oh, man, I can't find it on Netflix!

Scott said...

tony, I saw it (under protest!) on Hulu.

grouchomarxist said...

"He's got huge, sharp -- eh -- he can leap about -- look at the bones!" (Forgive me for the obvious quotation.)

Hulu, you say? Now I'm mighty tempted to queue it up.

Looking forward to the latest Mike and Ike with keen anticipation, although I'm not sure whether I should watch the film, first. Considering that last year they mentioned Night of the Lepus, I'm wondering if it's just a coincidence, or if there's some kind of a killer bunny tradition developing at ASSJam.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


Smut Clyde said...

Did someone mention killer bunnies?

tony in san diego said...

OMG! I turned it off after ten minutes, just after that goof stuffed a plush bunny in his jeans.

Scott said...

Tony, you missed the part where the guy pulled a plastic groin cup out of a dead man's locker, pressed it to his face, and inhaled like Frank Booth in BLUE VELVET.

tony in san diego said...

See what good drugs and your dad's money will get you!
