Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Episode 61: Star Wars meets Avengers: Endgame

Jeff and Scott visit Star Wars Celebration, then drop in unannounced on several TV science fiction franchises because who can stop them? No one!

[Insert maniacal cackle here]

Then the New Movie Crew returns from a flaky death for a super spoilery discussion of Avengers: Endgame.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

It is true: Short Treks is one of the best parts of Discovery. AND I AM A FAN OF DISCOVERY.

Ensign Tilly is the best.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

But I recall that every Trek series has been met with resistance and scoffing. DS9, now often regarded as one of the best series, was considered too limited and repetitive. As you nerds mentioned, even TNG took more than one season to even hit its stride, and still relied on holodeck and Wesley stories.

The Federation contains multitudes, is what I'm saying.

\Also, Sonequa Martin-Green was awesome on the Walking Dead, and she is awesomer in Discovery. FIGHT ME.
