Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, M Bouffant!

I'm laboring on a pitch for a project that I may or may not get, depending on whether I meet the deadline, so time is in extremely short supply at the moment (although there's a new post below -- but I warn you, it's a high-minded and fancy one, and should only be read through a monocle, or lorgnette).  But we couldn't let the day go by without celebrating our friend and fellow Angelino, M. Bouffant, who on this date -- some uncertain number of years ago -- cunningly escaped unlawful detention in a womb, through a process similar to that used by the prisoners in Stalag Luft III (you film buffs will undoubtedly recall that iconic image from The Great Escape of Charles Bronson emerging from the tunnel, bare-chested and glistening with amniotic fluid).

So please join me, and well-known Commie cheesecake model Jane Fonda, in wishing M. the happiest of birthdays.
"Oh, hello there.  I was just boning up on Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, but I don't mind if you read over my creamy white shoulder."


heydave said...

Happy Day!

maryclev said...

A Very Happy Birthday, M!

M. Bouffant said...

Been 18 for the last 40 yrs., & not un-proud of it.

Thanks for sparing me a shot of a hideous probably female fascist, too.

'Though if I squint Ms. Fonda looks in need of a trim.

(Just kidding, Jane honey!)

RIP, Dolores Hope, second-most famous person to die on this date, after Pres. Garfield. (You know you'd vote for that cat, stop denying.)

Thanks again, now back to deadline-wrestling w/ you!

D. Sidhe said...

Happy belated birthday, M. Well, it will seem late to you. Due to my having courageously volunteered to test pilot a time machine, I'm actually posting this from The Future, and it may take a while for the timelines to sort themselves out so you can read it. Assuming the universe is not accidentally destroyed, but, really, marking the anniversary of your appearance on Planet Earth is worth it. I have taken the opportunity to bend the future such that something transcendent will happen to you in the next few days. I'd share more details, but I'd hate to ruin your birthday by then having the Men in Black after you. So, the next time anything good happens to you, just assume that was it and I arranged for it. Or maybe something bad happens to someone else. Or Michele Bachmann says something really stupid. Frankly, free will can be a bitch. (I'm not saying "Illuminati", but...)

(Okay, okay, I'm late because I didn't bother to wake up yesterday. Sorry, and hope it was a good one.)

Murfyn said...

The Earth is a great place. Once a year, you get a free trip around the Sun!

Anonymous said...

I'm at least one time zone ahead/behind you D. But, anyway, Happy Birthday M. I hope it was filled with happy celebratory moments. And cake.Thanks for all the pithy snark.Your input is appreciated. (Celebrating Talk Like An Executive Day).

Li'l Innocent said...

Happy day after your birthday, M. I offer no excuses (even tho I've got PLENTY) and haven't the nous right now to come up with any science fictional flights like D., so I'm afraid you'll just have to make do with a plain homespun "Good on ya".

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Yeehah, and such as, and happy day after pirates' day, M.B.

preznit said...

Happy belated Birthday, M!
and hehe, Scott said "boning" /beavis

Carl said...

Happy birfday, bud!

Brian Schlosser said...

Dangit, two days late and more than two dollars short... but happy belated birfday!!

AnnPW said...

And the Birthday Month goes on! Happy Birthday Month MB!

Cirze said...

Happy Bday, MB,

May you have at least 40 more and may the snark level never diminish.


Chris Vosburg said...

Happy Birthday, M., and thanks Scott for leaving this post the most recent so I don't feel totally like a Tardy Tom for taking so long to get to it. I may survive this month yet.

Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

Well, at least you are not alone in your tardiness, Vosburg. Much-belated happy happy, Bouffant.
