You know who I trust to clue me in on the latest advances in beauty culture? Women's magazines? Hardly. No, I get my grooming tips from Adult Sex Stores, and because I like you, I'm going to share this season's hottest trend in feminine toiletries (I'm pretty sure it's based on the Wen Hair Care line of products):
I wonder if it's sold in a "Volumizing" formula? Or perhaps an herbal scented version, "Gee, Your Muff Smells Terrific!" (I take it for granted it comes in a cream rinse.) Anyway, say goodbye to those hours spent detangling it, ironing it flat, or even using a no-lye relaxer to "conk" your muff.
You're welcome.
Four Out of Five Muff Divers Recommend Muff-So-Soft
Well, it's not exactly new, nor, judging by these comments, not so much of an advance, either. (Amazon was a real disappointment, review-wise. I was expecting some real gems, but...crickets.)
My favorite:
Mint? With vagina? My husband won't eat anything for an hour or more after brushing his teeth. What is this, birth control?
I gotta say, though, "Honeysuckle" is the perfect scent name, regardless of how it actually tastes...
Does it also work as an insect repellent like Skin So Soft?
What I'm waiting for is Muff Club for Women.
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