Friday, June 8, 2012

Post-Friday Beast Blogging: The Early Edition

It's been a long week...
Moondoggie:  Whew -- I'm drained.  Better plug in and recharge.
Riley:  All your sock are belong to ME!


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Kitten picture at my joint too, along with insufferable music rambling.

Debbi said...

The cat pictures are a sight for sore eyes. :)

FWIW, today my Random and Sundry blog features a mention, a nomination for the Pulitzer Prize and a video about how to disable CAPTCHA.

Not to mention my thanks to Chris Vosburg for letting me know the Hallmark Channel shows Perry Mason.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


I cat-blogged, too. WITH VIDEO.

Chris Vosburg said...

De nada, Debbi. Together with the showings on Me-TV (check out MeTV's website to see if they're available in your area), this brings the number of hours of Perry Mason on weekdays to a grand total of four. Hooray! (Burger: Your HONOR!)

And thanks for the captcha disable tip, which I see Scott has made good use of, and good riddance to those hellish scribbles I used to have to cock my head sideways and squint at to decipher. I'm pretty sure it would have been easier if I were a damn robot, frankly.

Kathy said...

So THATS what happens to the "mate" to the 50 or so socks left at the bottom of my laundry basket! Riley took them!

Scott said...

Thanks, Debbi. As Chris noticed, I've implemented the suggestions from the Captcha-disabling video, and already people have told me I look taller and thinner, my hair smells terrific, and I've got twice as many spam comments. But since we have -- on average, that is, demographically speaking -- a, shall we say, mature readership (not exactly the mean age of the Diagnosis: Murder message board, but old enough to remember Perry Mason), the decreased eyestrain is worth it.

And that's a great shot over at your place of you and The Bloggess. I tried to comment on it, but couldn't remember my WordPress password, and then when I recovered it, WP swallowed my comment whole. Ohhh, Irony. I am thy sullen handmaid.

Scott said...

Exactly, K. And good luck getting them away from her.

Debbi said...

So sorry about the comment swallow, Scott. :(

I wish I weren't such a techno-idiot. And technology can be such an asshole. But thank you for trying.

And thanks so much for enduring the spam for our sakes. :)

Weird Dave said...

Why Scott, you look taller and thinner, and your hair smells terrific.

I am the son of a Nigerian oil baron and if you would be to please offer your help...

Carl said...

Scott, we have a new meme here: USBcatz!

Scott said...

That could actually achieve a bit of traction, Carl, since I've got about a dozen photos of Moondoggie cuddling up with the power cords of various electronic devices hes somehow managed to unplug.

Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

I love yer kittehs. The "guilty" (or, perhaps more realistically, "Fuck! He caught me!") look on Riley's face is truly priceless. So many times, I was THISCLOSE to capturing similarly-up-to-something moments wif mah chirrens, but the damned camera and I were both too slow.

If I have to stay here @ the roach motel much longer, I may have to go back into the thrill-a-minute world of TNR/feral cat neutering/wrangling, because I just saw one of Moonie's ginger brethren swagger by with the biggest pair that I have EVER seen on a cat --- I wonder if the vet would preserve 'em on a keychain like they do the 'roo testicles in Australia?

Anonymous said...

Very funny post...
