Saturday, June 1, 2013

Post-Friday Beast Blogging: The Lost Weekend Edition

RILEY: All right...just because there's a pile of rich ripe dirty laundry on the bed doesn't mean I have to lay on it...or rub it all over my face...or bury my nose in it and huff the stank...
RILEY:  I can easily share the bed with a bundle of used Beefy-Ts and boxer shorts reeking of pheromones and not succumb to my baser instincts.  I mean, come on, I'm not some animal, I can control myself...
RILEY:  ...first thing tomorrow.

MEANWHILE, on a recliner not far away...


Dr. Alice said...

Cat Orgies! Rated...G.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


Li'l Innocent said...

I'm glad to see that you do everything in your power, Scott, to provide interesting and character-building entertainment for your betters.

(Goddess knos they've got well-built characters.)

Weird Dave said...

And here's hoping that you can assume the 'Moondoggie position' easily and without pain.

Stacia said...

It's been a long time since I've laughed at a cat picture -- this is the internet, after all -- but my god I laughed so hard after the last pic of Moondoggie that I had to pee.

Scott said...

That makes me very happy, Stacia, because unlike some other barstool philosophers who claim the crown for imitation, I believe that urine is the sincerest form of flattery.
