Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Post-Friday Pod Plugging

Although the next episode of The Slumgullion isn't due until next week, Jeff and I were so moved by Deadpool that we recorded a special mini-sode in the middle of the night as soon as I got home from seeing it:
Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Face 
Starring Jeff Holland and Scott Clevenger 
In this special mini Slumgullion, Jeff and Scott discuss the awesomeness of Deadpool, with a little Suicide Squad and Batman vs. Superman thrown in for good measure. 
Shadow was also deeply affected by Deadpool, particularly the X-Men crossover elements, and wanted to do a special Pre-Post-Friday Beast Blogging in its honor.

SHADOW: From now on, I'm changing my name to 'Shadowcat.' Why, you ask...

SHADOW:  Because I've got kitty pryde.

SHADOW:  What?

SHADOW:  Yeah, fine, whatever.


Carl said...

Shadow is a lesbian?

Scott said...

Well, Moondoggie's no use to her...

Debbi said...

Shadow is too cool to express any neediness ...

She's the Greta Garbo of cats.

Anonymous said...

ANNTI sez...

I dunno, she strikes me as much more sardonic than Garbo, much more Marlene Dietrich... granted, not the same sense of humor, exactly, but Dietrich always seemed a bit more accessible than Garbo. Don't get me wrong, I adore Garbo, especially in "Ninotchka," ("GARBO LAUGHS!") but the eyes and the whiplash-vicious sense of humor of a Garbo --- maybe it's because Shadow is young, I dunno, she seems a little softer than Garbo. I could be wrong, I've not met her in person/in feline, but as much as I adore Garbo, Shadow seems much more of a Marlene. She sure as hell ain't Tallulah Bankhead, that's for damned sure!

I wish that I could properly remember the exact quote from Tallulah, (and it could apply to Dietrich & Garbo, as well!), but I'll give it a random shot in the dark...

"Honey, I don't know WHAT I am... one kind of sex gives me a sore back, and the other one gives me lockjaw, so why bother being picky?"
