“Liebster,” in the German and Spanish vernacular, means “beloved”…According to the Liebster Blog Award guidelines, I’m to link to the blog what gave me the award (check) and then pass it on to five equally worthy candidates.We're very excited and humbly grateful, and are already taping our boobs into a scandalously low-cut gown for the ceremony. Winnowing the list down to a mere five, however, is likely to be the most time-consuming part. So let's begin the Beguine...
I'm going to start by cheating a bit and selecting a blog Ivan also tagged. I apologize, but I just can't help it; I'm a film geek and it's one of my favorite destinations on the internet.
She Blogged By Night -- Stacia (who is probably familiar to many of you from the comments here) produces one of the most delightful movie blogs around -- snarky, savvy, and affectionate about all things motion picture, from silents to SyFy. As it happens, Stacia is on holiday this month, but she's lined up an impressive roster of guest bloggers (and I don't say that just because she's very kindly invited me to contribute), so her place is still hopping. In fact, she herself keeps dropping in to post, suggesting she's an excellent blogger, but a lousy vacationer.
FGAQ -- Mark H. takes a refreshingly unbloggery approach to blogging: no confessional tone, no rants, no cat photos. Instead, he grabs whatever depressing outrage is at the top of the news and distills it into a weird little short story that's often dry, wry, and Onionesque.
The Bowery Boys: New York City History -- A terrific blog full of little known tales of the Big Apple, from events ("Who won the Great Gimbals Air Race of 1911," "The other Draft Riots: Brooklyn infernos, Queens bonfires") to historic buildings, to a survey of which superheroes were born on the Lower East Side. If you have any fondness at all for NYC, The Bowery Boys is a fascinating but edifying time-waster. If not, this might just give you the bug (or at least the bedbug).
The Bloggess -- A woman marooned in the middle of Texas with rheumatoid arthritis, crippling panic attacks, and a giant metal chicken, she's the Internet's richest source of absurdist, incontinence-inducing laughter.
Bats Left/Throws Right -- I'm sure anyone who reads WO'C also reads the Hoosier Sage, but on the off chance there are one or two newcomers who haven't yet caught the wave, Doghouse Riley is, in my opinion, the best writer in the medium. Complex, yet effortlessly witty, informative, yet entertaining, with a tone of mixed exasperation and fatalism that only a few bloggers -- your Tboggs, your Roys -- can match.
Programming Note: The final six contestants in the 2011 Miss Wingnut Pageant will compete tomorrow. If you haven't cast your ballot yet, please click here to vote in Round One, and here for Round Two.
Remember, your votes will decide which of these lovely hopefuls will wear the tiara, and get to skip to the head of the NRO Cruise buffet table line.
Thanks babe! I do suck at vacations. I think it's because I forget to leave the house.
*tearing off Liebster sash*
All those come-on shoe ads advertising fuck me pumps, and for WHAT?
I are a cool kid, so, too! They are on my bookmarks, one and all!
Every time I get this unwarranted praise from you, Scott, I almost feel obligated to wake up and do something.
"Eat fascist death, flaming media pigs" -- Porgie Tirebiter
"flaming media pigs."
That's either a great name for a band, or an excellent replacement for The Capitol Gang.
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