Saturday, September 8, 2012

Carl Weathers IS "Caption Jackson"!

I'm currently beavering away on some minor work for hire, but I came across a horrifying image that must be captioned!, because according to the Necronomicon, that's the only way to kill it.  I'll get the ball rolling, shall I? (Click to embiggen)
"It seemed like such a coup at first, but by mid-afternoon the organizers of the 1930 Venice Beach Beauty Contest were beginning to have second thoughts about celebrity guest judge Salvador Dali."

I'm sure you guys can come up with something better, so I'll pass the Talking Stick.  And speaking of something better, Ivan has posted Chapter 3 of The Adventures of Sir Galahad: Prisoners of Ulric.  Let's all grab some bear grease and penetrate the guards!


Doc Logan said...

"After that day, Brian Wilson never visited the beach again."

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Which one is M.B.?

Debbi said...

The original Talking Heads.

Unknown said...

Bin Scully: "Its's bobblehead day here at Venice Beach!"

Unknown said...


Scott said...

As long as it's not Osama Bin Scully.

Weird Dave said...

I'm laughing too much. Can we try it again?

Ugluks Flea said...

"The Venice Beachfront Restaurant and Bar Association had high hopes for their new promotional campaign to increase patronage on weekdays, but quickly dropped the plan after the unfortunate events of the inaugural installment of 'Mescaline Mondays'."

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

The 2016 Republican Presidential primary was less inspiring than the preceding; however, it DID manage to restock America's depleted Nightmare Fuel Reserves.

Unknown said...

I don't get it. My nightmares always include these people. Every night. Every single fucking night.

Oh sorry D Side this is your territory, apologies.

Chris Vosburg said...

That's D Sidhe, apologies. Again.

Chris Vosburg said...

It just occurred to me that there must, somewhere on the internet, be a site that collects descriptions of nightmares from visiting commenters.

I have nightmares, in fact it's the only kind of dream I have, and the previous reference is a whistling past the graveyard ref.

For which I apologize to you all, and especially D Sidhe.

Forget I said it.

Sleep-- sleep.... sleep.... sleep....

Chris Vosburg said...

As long as it's not Osama Bin Scully.

"A souvenir for some lucky fan!"

Kathy said...

Must be a beauty contest for LEGS. Who cares about the girl's faces? Unless those gigantic heads are ... real!

Scott said...

Mescaline Mondays That's my favorite Bangles song.

Doc Logan said...

"It's the Miss Alternate Universe pageant." - Tom Servo, MST3K ep. 305, "Stranded In Space".

Amazing how many MST3K quotes become relevant again at any given time.

Bill S said...

The Oogieloves, fifty years later.

Chris Vosburg said...

Incidentally, I need some help.

About a week an a half ago, I found a brown felt hat on the sidewalk while walking home from the Prime Time Pub which shows signs of having once been a real live fedora.

Anybody know a good hat blocking/cleaning shop in los angeles? kinda new at this.

Li'l Innocent said...

Homeland Security unveils new technology for protecting Our Women from the oncoming reptilian invasion.

Unknown said...

Do they clean and block hats?

Anonymous said...

Unlike nuclear power plants, oil wells don't cause mutations.

Carl said...

"When Mel Gibson balked at that desert scene in 'Thunderdome,' the producers arranged a fashion show for him to show how not ridiculous he'd look with a big head"

Dark Avenger said...

Unfortunately, the UFO crashed when its' ray hadn't completed the transformation, thus staving off the Conquest of Earth by Very Big Heads for another century.

Fearguth said...

"Romney's National Security Team Gets a Well-Deserved Day of Rest at the Beach"
