Friday, January 9, 2015

Small Crap Warning

I apologize for the lack of posting this week. Mary's dad is in the hospital, proving that it doesn't rain but it pours (and by "rain" I mean "golden shower"), so we've been all at sixes and sevens, which sucks because I'm not exactly sure what that idiom signifies, but I think it means we're winning at baccarat, but losing at life.

Anyway, good vibrations and well wishes are appreciated, and we'll be back as soon as we can take one deep breath without getting donkey punched by destiny.


acrannymint said...

Beaming good thoughts your way. I hope this next bit works Huckleberry sends purrs

acrannymint said...

Beaming good thoughts your way. I hope this next bit works Huckleberry sends purrs

acrannymint said...

How I posted twice is beyond me

Scott said...

That video is so awesome it deserves a double post.

acrannymint said...

And here is a homage to new life courtesy of the WTF Shitaki mushroom growing kit my sister sent me

Anonymous said...

Hell's bells(does hell really have bells? And do they sound loud? Maybe they are bells that make fart noises.)! This bites the big one. Sending heaps of love and extra powerful healing mojo all the way around(I'm sure you and Moondoggie as well as Mary and her Dad, could use some). My apologies for the sketchy grammar-- it's pain pill and muscle relaxant time.

With so much love,
~The Minx~
And her awesome feline Miss ZoeLuna.

Dr. Alice said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. Mary,I hope your dad is better soon.

grouchomarxist said...

What a weird coincidence. My 93-year-old mom ended up in the hospital this week, too, from an attack of pancreatitis due to a gallstone. Very painful, but thankfully not life-threatening like the major bleeding-on-the-brain event she had a year-and-a-half ago, when the doctors weren't at all optimistic about her chances.

So I know what you guys are going through now.

Sending as many positive waves as I can summon in your general direction, Mary. Hope your dad gets better soon.

Weird Dave said...

Where is that good karma stuff they taught me about back in hippie school? You both sure are owed some.

My best vibes and hoping Dad, Mary, and Scott are all doing better.

Scott said...

I dropped out of hippie school after one semester, when my paper in Eschatological Optimism came back with a D-minus, and I found I really couldn't handle all the math (you had to know the metric system to work all those drug buying word problems). Switched to Forensic Misanthropy sophomore year and never looked back.

Dr.BDH said...

Everyone drops out of hippie school. It's the only way to graduate, after the courses on Turning On and Tuning In. I have it right here on my resume...hey, did you ever really look at parchment? It's all wrinkly and wavy...

Dr.BDH said...

And best thoughts to Mary's dad for a quick recovery.

Kathy said...

I hope Mary's dad is well and home soon!

I think 'sixes & sevens' has a dicing association, 6+7=13!

Scott said...

Everyone drops out of hippie school. It's the only way to graduate, after the courses on Turning On and Tuning In.

That is deep, man.


That would, indeed, explain it.

Li'l Innocent said...

good thoughts to your father, Mary - I trust vibes can travel coast-2-coast in good time. You all have had so much actual bad crap to deal with lately. We all love you out here.

That purring video is lovely. Huckleberry is a universal panacea. My grey fellow Jingle is a champ purrer,and it does make you feel better right away. Maybe hospitals should play audios of purring for patients,visitors, staff...

maryclev said...

Dad's at home now, and infinitely happier than he was at the Hospital(Even thought it's an infamously haunted hospital, and I would love to spend the night looking for its ghosts).

acrannymint: I LOVE your video of your little Huckleberry purring. He looks like Hobbes, and sounds like Riley. That video is a perfect antidote to everything.

Anonymous said...

ANNTI sez...

SHIT!!! I missed yet ANOTHER fambly emergency, fuckitall to hell!!! I am so sorry that I wasn't here for you, Mary, and I'm REALLY fuckin' grateful that your Daddy came home in better shape, with or without the hospital bed. Please give him my best & a shitload of love & hugs & kisses, k? I'd send homemade chicken soup but the USPS doesn't letcha ship anything LIQUID anymore, damn the idiots to hell... I'm sure that you can BUY liquid shit online/catalogs & get it delivered, but prolly not through the USPS.

ANYFUCKIN'WAY: please do pass-on all my love & support & hugs to your dad & mom & self, you hear me? If I could, I'd happily ship Yoda & Bob to your joint, to purr & keep you warm & entertain the hell outta Moondoggie! Bob's more of a "boss cat," he's always gotta be the Big Boy On The Block, but Yoda is a GIANT KITTEN, huge head, giant feet, fat belly, but teh personality & brain of a little kid! If I had a video camera, I'd post his antics to YouTube & he'd be more-famous than MARU, and he even LOOKS LIKE Maru, too! No Scottish Fold ears, but the same white base-coat & brown-tabby markings, and twice as much personality. Haven't offered him a cardboard box to jump through/into, but we'll see... if you & Scott ever wanna adopt another boy, I've got two wunnerful boys for you to choose from! Shaggy's an excellent ratter, but he'd never make it as an inside-only kitteh. Yoda WAS an inside cat, before he allegedly got FIV & was DUMPED-OUT here like just so much GARBAGE, but he's gained TWELVE POUNDS, MINIMUM, since he got here! FIV, my ass. He's the healthiest one of the bunch! Bob's no spring chicken, but he's got at least another 10 good years in him, if y'all are interested. Will send pictures if ever needed.

Most of all, hug Moonie, hug Scott, and make sure that everybody hugs the hell outta you & yer dad, k Mary?

Love y'all!!!

Anonymous said...

P.S. to ANNTI sez...

And CrannyMint, sweetie, I look forward to the days when I can view video online again, 'cause your kitteh sounds WUNNERFUL!!!


Woodrowfan said...

glad he's home...
