Saturday, March 26, 2016

Post-Show, Pre-Hangover

We'll soon be doing a major, guest-filled autopsy of Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, but last night, after we'd both returned home from seeing it in our respective time zones, Jeff and I sat down and recorded some (mostly) spoiler-free free association and first impressions. And based on that brief, half-hour chat, my brother Miles came up with the perfect poster for the movie:
Helping a hot mess since 1911

Click here to check it out:
Zack Snyder Wins an Award

Otherwise Known As 
“Holland V Clevenger: Dawn of Podcast”
And if you haven't seen it yet, ease on down to the post below and enjoy Bill S.'s annual birthday tribute to Mary. It involves a talking toilet -- but then, you'd expect no less.


Doc Logan said...

I didn't see "Batman V Superman" yesterday, and I enjoyed it so much I'm not seeing it again today!

Seriously, does Zack Snyder have to crap on everything I love? First Romero's "Dawn of the Dead", then "Watchmen", and now... now... he turns Batman into an alcoholic murderer.

I never thought I'd miss Joel Schumacher, but, damn.

Scott said...

May I quote you in the extended podcast, Doc? Your first line is gold. Comedy GOLD.

Doc Logan said...

By all means!

M. Bouffant said...

You kids seen the "official" older fan's take?

Scott said...

No, I hadn't seen that, thanks M. If anyone's got the bona fides to speak authoritatively on this subject, it's Evanier.

Doc Logan said...

M., thanks, I have read that, and as Scott says, Mark Evanier is wise in matters of men who wear their underwear outside their pants. Even better, he links to an absolute savaging of "BvS" by Leonard Maltin. Which proves, conclusively... "Batman v Superman"? Not as good as "Laserblast".
