If it helps one's fiscal woes, I'm up for medical prototyping.
But George W. Bush promised to protect us from animal-human hybrids.
That's one of Australian artist Patricia Piccinini'spieces.
Would you wake up to reality! It's a military thing. They're probably creating a whole army of pig warriors!!
It couldn't hurt.
You're not sure? Haven't you ever noticed that a large majority of the very rich are hybrid pig people?
Palin without makeup, wig, square glasses and red clothes?
I'm not really sure how becoming a hybrid pig person will help my finances, but...ok! Well, it has worked for others.
OK, so let me see...Robin of Lox-lee has decoded Rosemary's Baby like it's the Rosetta Stone and come up with a theory that would do credit to the Birthers.And she, um, teaches? And is a psychologist?Ohboy....
Grrrr...thought this was an ad. Nevermind...I'll climb the extra flight rather than wait for the elevator
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If it helps one's fiscal woes, I'm up for medical prototyping.
But George W. Bush promised to protect us from animal-human hybrids.
That's one of Australian artist Patricia Piccinini's
Would you wake up to reality! It's a military thing. They're probably creating a whole army of pig warriors!!
It couldn't hurt.
You're not sure? Haven't you ever noticed that a large majority of the very rich are hybrid pig people?
Palin without makeup, wig, square glasses and red clothes?
I'm not really sure how becoming a hybrid pig person will help my finances, but...ok!
Well, it has worked for others.
OK, so let me see...Robin of Lox-lee has decoded Rosemary's Baby like it's the Rosetta Stone and come up with a theory that would do credit to the Birthers.
And she, um, teaches? And is a psychologist?
Grrrr...thought this was an ad. Nevermind...I'll climb the extra flight rather than wait for the elevator
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