Friday, April 1, 2011

Facebook Ad for Recession Relief? Or an Acid Induced Nightmare?

I'm not really sure how becoming a hybrid pig person will help my finances, but...ok!


heydave said...

If it helps one's fiscal woes, I'm up for medical prototyping.

Scott said...

But George W. Bush promised to protect us from animal-human hybrids.

pastor maker said...

That's one of Australian artist Patricia Piccinini's

Brian Schlosser said...

Would you wake up to reality! It's a military thing. They're probably creating a whole army of pig warriors!!

Anonymous said...

It couldn't hurt.

Green Eagle said...

You're not sure? Haven't you ever noticed that a large majority of the very rich are hybrid pig people?

Kathy said...

Palin without makeup, wig, square glasses and red clothes?

J Neo Marvin said...

I'm not really sure how becoming a hybrid pig person will help my finances, but...ok!

Well, it has worked for others.

Carl said...

OK, so let me see...Robin of Lox-lee has decoded Rosemary's Baby like it's the Rosetta Stone and come up with a theory that would do credit to the Birthers.

And she, um, teaches? And is a psychologist?


Carl said...

Grrrr...thought this was an ad. Nevermind...I'll climb the extra flight rather than wait for the elevator
