Saturday, October 17, 2015

State of the Blog

They've been testing the fire alarms all day. There's a speaker in every apartment, and they produce a noise so abusively shrill that it feels like the business end of some sonic weapon designed by the DoD to dislodge Manuel Noriega from the Vatican embassy in Panama, and it's made Moondoggie and me as nervous as cats. This is, of course, a first for him, but a fairly accurate snapshot of my daily demeanor, so I figured I'd just sit here and try to block it out, while I catch everybody up on what's been happening. Or not happening. seems like only part of this post (roughly the first paragraph) is appearing. Oh well...From a storytelling perspective it's always better to show than to tell, so I guess we'll let that be the overture to this symphonic bitchfest: massive computer problems! Pardon me while I see if I can find where the rest of my post went...
Please Stand By...


Kathy said...

Once, about 1am, my smoke detector went off, and to my horror, ALL the smoke detectors in the (3 story) townhouse chimed in. eGad what a DIN! I had no new batteries and ended up yanking the thing from the ceiling and hurling it across the room!Only way to shut it off. The apartment management company charged me $6.00 for a new one when they refurbished after I moved out. Cheap at twice the price! I know, I know: they save lives. Huh.

Give Moondoggie my sympathies. And, you too, of course. I pray you aren't experiencing a migraine (pronounced Mee-grane in England) today.... or ever, for that matter.

M. Bouffant said...

Small consolation, but at least you don't have flashing lights to go w/ the speakers.

And why on a Saturday?

Scott said...

Good question. The short answer is: I wrote this yesterday, but only the first part of the first paragraph seems to have published, so apparently my computer is old enough to have become self-aware, and is using its new gift of sentience to blue pencil my prose.

ckc (not kc) said...

for Science, Industry .... Defense

...oh, yeah ...nearly forgot the Defense

Kathy said...

Just thought I'd mention, Susie from Crooks & Liars' Subaru was totaled by a hit&run driver. She had just the minimum insurance, and is asking for donations:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Damned thinking machines. Where's the Butlerian Jihad, anywho?

Gary said...

From the picture, I'd say you need to change the tape reels before that other paragraph will show up.

Anonymous said...

ANNTI whimpers...


(Still wondering what I did wrong... not even a common Florida lizard...)


Anonymous said...

BTW, happy birfday, Scott. Hope that there is much joy & lizardness for you.

