Happy New Year! If you aren't doing anything fun (and Lord knows
we aren't) come to
The Slumgullion and join us for our annual tradition, as we exorcise the old year with burning sage and pissy comments:
And because you're the best people in the world, here's some holiday-themed cat photos while I still have a mildly reasonable excuse for squeezing them in.
Wow. Reddy Kilowatt - The Musical really had some elaborate dance numbers, didn't it?
Happy New Year, Scott and Mary and feline overlords! I hope there was something under the tree for two such patient and well-behaved kittehs -- otherwise, you might find a little "present" of your own, in your shoe one morning.
Just sayin'.
Oh, Scott, when did you ever need any excuse at all for kitty pix on any theme at all. You know we lap them up like eggy cream!
Happy Hew Year to you, Mary, and the beauteous cats. And if it's not unseasonable of me to ask, where the Hell did you get that insane movie still??
Is that an avatar of Ahura Mazda crossed with Quetzalcoatl receiving the electron flows of his worshippers? Or what?
it should be noted that in the recent broadcasts of Santa Claus Is coming To Town, they cut the questionable song about sitting on his lap today....
Just wanted to say happy new year, before Epiphany (or whenever the grace period for such wishes ends!).
Be seeing you.
Great cat photos!
Li'l, that's a still from the New Years Eve sequence from the Cecil B DeMille picture MADAME SATAN, a thoroughly insane PreCode movie that climaxes with a all-but-orgy on a Zeppelin.
to be fair, from the tour stories, there were often orgies on one of the Zeppelins: usually Robert Plant.
ANNTI sez...
Oh, ZRM, honey, I seriously doubt that those "orgies" were ever NEARLY as much fun/as mind-blowingly enjoyable for anybody involved, as they were for Plant & his cocaine dealer.
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