Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This Week On BBC America...

A young Orphan Black celebrates Halloween.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


Jim Donahue said...

Let me state for the record: Tatiana Maslany is amazing.

Dr.BDH said...

Are those the Dionne quinuplets? Aren't they Canadian? Do Canadians celebrate Halloween? Don't they celebrate Dia del Muerte or some other foreign holiday? And Karo syrup on the moon, how does that work?

acrannymint said...

Hoisting the fruit of the grape in the hope that I will be back at work tomorrow.

Woodrowfan said...

but NOT in the name of The Doctor!

oops, wrong show. carry on...

Carl said...

The Dionne quints played for the LA Kings in the 80s, so we're still safe from the Communist invasion.

D. Sidhe said...

Never seen the show, laughed anyway.

Partner: So, they killed another Orphan Black.

Me: They do this every week?

Partner: To be fair, they have an apparently inexhaustible supply.

Chris Vosburg said...

I, for one, do not want to go to bed each night by the light of a Karo Syrup moon.

Weird Dave said...

One thing's for sure. It wasn't a real doctor that wrote the blurb.

I can read his handwriting.

Li'l Innocent said...

Chris V - I know, isn't it creepy> And that pumpkin looks like it's inhabited by the spirit of the Big Bad Wolf, returned to the mortal plane to get even for the Red Riding Hood episode. Another example of id glowering thru vintage commercial art.
