Saturday, April 28, 2012

Post Friday Beast Blogging: The Panic and Passed out Edition

Riley:  Help!  I'm trapped with a book on cinematography theory, and it's getting really pretentious in here!  Send help...!
Moondoggie:  ...while I am experiencing the otherworldly calm and total bliss known only to a Tibetan Lama or a taxidermied moose.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Moondoggie: Send moar bonghits.

heydave said...

Why do you think they call it dope?

heydave said...

Why do you think they call it dope?

heydave said...

huh huh huh...

Jimbo said...

We have a pat of our garden devoted to catnip and other Mediterranean herbs. One of our cats goes totally insane rolling around through the plants while the other appreciates it more like attending a classic music concert, just snuggles next to the plants and nodding her head back and forth.
