Monday, September 16, 2013

Helloooo, Breakfast! Wait...

I've reached the point where I can no longer read, or read comfortably without my glasses, but my middle distance vision remains fine.  Or so I told myself, until I saw this sign on the door of a frozen yogurt shop...
...which I was convinced said "Twy my tasty twat!"  So...yeah.  Either it's time for a new prescription, or less horny cartoon characters.

ADDENDUM:  I see The Bloggess had a similar experience, but at least hers didn't involve a hydrocephalic canary with a profound speech impediment and a tendency to make product claims that are clearly not supported by independent taste tests, given that whole cloaca issue.


DrBDH said...

James Thurber has a wonderful story about the magical world he saw when he lost his glasses. I'm pretty sure it's in A Thurber Carnival, but I'm at work and can't look it up.

Doc Logan said...

Even more disturbing, Friz Freling said Tweety is male, although gender identity seemed pretty fluid in Warner Brothers cartoons.

I find that the confusion that comes with aging is easier to deal with if you accept that life is becoming a constant surrealist landscape. If you're so inclined, it can even save you a fortune in hallucinogens.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Doc, those hallucinogen farmers have families, too.

Scott said...

accept that life is becoming a constant surrealist landscape

I think I see what you're saying -- less Warner Brothers, more Krazy Kat.

Li'l Innocent said...

I dunno, Scott -- what about that identity crisis WB classic with the bulldog, the cat, and the 2 mice, where all of them at the end are chasing the wrong species, and suddenly freeze-frame in attitudes of utter mania? You know the one I mean.

Scott said...

I do, Li'l, but my therapist won't let me watch that one anymore.

Nadine said...

I read it as "Lemon Creme Cock". So, we're in the same boat, Scott!

~The Minx~

Scott said...

The Looooove Boat.
