Saturday, April 23, 2016

Post-Friday Beast Blogging: The Chanhassen Dinner Theater Edition

IIIIIIIIII don't know how to looooove him... ♪


Li'l Innocent said...

Spring fever? Campaign fatigue? What possible reason could we Crappers have for remaining shtum in the face of so adorable, so heart-renderingly sweet a kitteh pic??

Do not be sad, Shadow honey; he knows you care!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

He farts in his sleep!

maryclev said...

I don't know how to shoooove him...what to do, how to move him; he's a cat...he's just a cat...and I've shoved so many cats before; in very many ways, he weighs much more...

Unknown said...

LOL, Mary - well sung.
