Saturday, April 9, 2016

Post-Friday Beast Blogging: The Mandatory Employee Training Edition

SCOTT: Shadow! Quit grabbing Moondoggie's butt.

SHADOW: I don't know what you're talking about...

SCOTT: You're creating a hostile work environment.

MOONDOGGIE: Yes, I might have to sue. Although I'm willing to settle out of court for your share of the Whisker Lickin's Chicken & Cheese Flavor treats.

SHADOW: Fine! I won't grab it anymore...But there's nothing in the employee handbook that says I can't head-butt his butt!

MOONDOGGIE: Sadly, that's true, and if you ask me, it's a pretty serious loophole. I often wonder what those people in HR do all day, until I fall asleep...

SHADOW: This glorious orange cat ass is mine! I will whisper sweet nothings to it...

MOONDOGGIE: Ahem! My ears are up here.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

LOL! Good to see them snuggling.

Debbi said...

Cats are awesome! #keepsnuggling

grouchomarxist said...

Shadow reminds me so much of our parlor panther, Ninja. Except, of course, that she's far cuter.
