Sunday, September 4, 2016

Short 'N' Sassy!

We've got a special Slumgullion short for the holiday weekend, in which Jeff lets off so much steam I felt like I was conversing with a Rug Doctor. But then, I wound up surrendering the Moral High Ground; in fact, I tripped and tumbled Jack 'n' Jill-style all the way to the bottom, where I got in a weird rant about the child stars of Stand By Me. Because that's how we roll. Down hill.

Anyway, please enjoy this aural amuse bouche.

1 comment:

Doc Logan said...

It's short but sweet.

And I seem to have stumbled upon the more tragic side of "that's what she said".

But there's few things as entertaining as Jeff Holland uncorking a rant, and few things can improve on it as much as Scott Clevenger punctuating it with insight and wit. The streak continues, gentlemen!
