Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Serve The Sacramental Martinis, Father

I saw this billboard on Sunset Boulevard the other day...
At first I thought it said, "Talleluia!", and assumed someone in Hollywood had finally gotten around to founding a faith that worshipped Tallulah Bankhead...

...but apparently it's just a cross turning into a flock of pigeons, one of whom crapped on me, so Jesus hates me, this I know, because avian ejecta tells me so....

Sorry for the absence.  There's certainly no shortage of stupid in the Series of Tubes today, so assuming the drugs kick in on schedule, I should be back with something for you guys by this afternoon.  But I'm just warning you now...it won't be pretty.  Unlike Tallulah.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Pigeons, you say?

Dr.BDH said...

"Tallelulia1" isn't that the Taliban's war cry?

Chris Vosburg said...

It has always tickled me that watching TeeVee-- or in a recent incident, wearing a GoogleGlass-- while driving can result in a ticket from helpful Officer Friendly.

If this is a distraction from safe driving practices, then why are billboards allowed to exist?

Scott said...

Good question. Do those TV-like DiamondVision billboards still exist? I remember one on Wilshire near Western, and another couple on La Brea that not only switched between ads like a slide show, but even projected some'a them movin' pictures, and seem to recall there was a bit of controversy over how distracting they were to drivers.

Li'l Innocent said...

One has not fully experienced the pleasure of the movies until one has seen her -- and Noel Coward, too -- in "Lifeboat". What a movie.

M. Bouffant said...

A few yrs. ago there were plenty of digital billboards on the Westside. I don't remember if they've been outlawed or not, but I think there was talk.

I knew just where that photo came from. That place has been there for forty yrs. (Formerly Father Peyton's Crusade for Family Prayer or something) but it seems to have gotten an injection of money recently.

And the restaurant next door (Falcon?) was some kind of swingers dump in the '70s.

M. Bouffant said...

Not to slight Miss Tallulah, who is close to the top of the M.B. "Dating the Dead" list.

Chris Vosburg said...

While waiting for a bus on Sunset a few years back, I was across the street from a billboard for Sasha Baron Cohen's "Bruno," which featured Sasha's pale English ass hanging out of a yellow singlet.

I was about to set fire to the billboard when the bus finally showed up. Man, I'd pay real money not to see that again.
