RILEY: Finally! I can get some rest without that Creamsicle-colored moron using my ass for a bolster.
RILEY: Oh for the love of--
RILEY: I want you to kill him. Kill him now. Kill him with fire.
RILEY: (SIGH) You're fired.
If Riley were editor of Wo'C, you'd have been Abramsoned already.
"Attack of the Butt Ninja"
You need to pitch this as a movie.
You need to pitch this as a movie.
"Yes, CJ: It's a high concept film. Think 'Fartman' meets 'Kill Bill 2'."
But with a cat that shoots laser beams from its eyes (or someplace).
Or Samurai claws, like Wolverine.
Ooooh. That'd be cool.
But what should we call her?
Well, never late for dinner or she'll literally claw your eyes out.
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