Just look at the American Thinker home page and see for yourself:
The Real Cause of the Arizona Killings
Bernie Reeves
Mass killers are almost always schizophrenics who should be institutionalized to protect them -- and us -- from random and murderous violence.
The Disconnect in Arizona
Drew Belsky
Correlation without causation.
Free Speech in the Crosshairs
Joe Herring
We conservatives are being backed into a media-developed trap.
Separation of Journalism and Politics
Lauri B. Regan
The mainstream media reached a new low with their coverage of the Tucson shooting spree by a deranged "left-wing pothead" (as one classmate described him).
Hanoi Jane and Jared
Jeannie DeAngelis
Jane is more focused on condemning uninvolved conservatives than she is on the maniacal murderer who slaughtered half a dozen people in cold blood in a parking lot.
The Left, Not the Right, Owns Political Violence - Michael Filozof
The Tucson Massacre Witch Hunt - Sally Zelikovsky
Murders, Lies, and Liberal Fantasies of Conservatives - Chidike Okeem
But life just isn't long enough to respond to all this crap, so instead, let's let Town Hall's Mary ("Always an Instructor, Never a Professor") Grabar, for a column on the true essence of the tragedy (hint: it death wasn't the shootings of decent public servants or even the killing of a bright and sweet-natured child).
The Real Decay of Rhetoric: Labeling Speech in the Tucson Shooting
The media, FBI Director Robert Mueller, and Democrat politicians are predictably using the tragic shooting of Gabrielle Giffords by what appears to be a mentally deranged young man to make political points and clamp down on opposing speech. Already, the signs are out there saying, "hate speech equals murder ."
And if some people out there have signs, then it means that the FBI Director and Democrat[ic] politicians are calling Mary a hater. That's just so typical of them!
I wonder, though, if the protestors would consider the email I received from "Conrad" that is also addressed to terrorist@rightwing.org as "hate" speech? His subject line reads "More blood on your hands! Congratulations on inciting violence, you fascist scumbag."
But this kind of vitriolic rhetoric has also come from a former colleague, a philosophy professor. Somehow a Facebook friend request was sent to him from my account. I don't know how it happened, but before I could get a chance to explain the error, he went on an insulting rant about not wanting to hear my political views. Facebook has an option for simply ignoring friend requests.
So, Facebook is now going behind Mary's back, trying to get her colleagues to hate her by inviting them to read her writings. And then the bitchy professor of Nietzschean philosophy didn't even say he'd be Mary's friend! That is just so sad!
I know that at this university where I taught with him I was no longer "needed" when my published views became known to those in charge.
Maybe Mary could join Dr. Mike's new lawsuit! Sure, he still has his job and is even a real professor, but his colleagues are also spiteful jerks who hate him simply because of his political views. Maybe it would lead to . . .Love, American Style!
Recently I ran into another colleague from that school who told me (now that he was retired) that they treated me "unfairly." Yet, as a tenured professor, he said nothing.
That's what happens when you give Pontius Pilate tenure.
The same thing happened last year at one of the places where I was teaching. The president of that college got wind of what I wrote and suddenly there were no more classes available for me! The previous semester I had been virtually begged to teach more classes. Enrollment was up. I had been on friendly terms with everyone. I've heard the same thing from so many other conservative professors who suddenly get the cold shoulder when their political views become apparent. Liberals, of course, freely advertise their left-wing views on campus.
And that, boys and girls, is why it's JUST NOT FAIR that FBI Director Mueller is telling wingnuts to keep the immigration talk civil, since he really should be arresting Mary's former colleagues for treason.
The casting of opinions that differ from the liberal orthodoxy as "hate speech" is the stuff of the conflict resolution, "peace," and anti-bullying programs. Students are emotionally bullied into rejecting conservative ideas.
Ideas such as "fag bashing" and "punching the crap out of smaller children."
We are their enemy, despite the talk about moderation (another Alinsky rule about the relative meaning of words). So when will our conservative political leaders call out these manipulators and say, "How dare you use this tragedy to advance your political ends? How dare you, you insensitive, hateful Alinsky-ite opportunist?" When will those in the institution where ideas and the rules for debate are being destroyed by the left speak up when they see one of their colleagues being treated "unfairly"?
Yes, that is the message that you should get out of the shootings: that if you are at a faculty meeting where the topic of discussion is "Should be rehire that crazy Mary Grabar for another semester?", you'd damn well better vote yes!
Somehow a Facebook friend request was sent to him from my account. I don't know how it happened, but before I could get a chance to explain the error, he went on an insulting rant about not wanting to hear my political views. Facebook has an option for simply ignoring friend requests.
And with that, the absolute nadir of human civilization has been hit.
If you read her reviews on RMP you get the distinct impression that she's not being rehired because she is a really lousy teacher as well as being a huge asshole....
I wonder, though, if the protestors would consider the email I received from "Conrad" that is also addressed to terrorist@rightwing.org as "hate" speech? His subject line reads "More blood on your hands! Congratulations on inciting violence, you fascist scumbag."
First I'd have to know whether with hate speech, as with libel, Truth is an absolute defense.
Wait, because it's hatefully prejudiced against fascists?
Conservatives say the damnedest fucking things, don't they.
(Captcha: "Ateatini". Which, you know what? I could use right now. Hold the tea, actually. And don't stop pouring till I can't say 'when'.)
If you keep getting hired in temporary positions, then, as soon as they get to know you, they no longer want you back, at some point shouldn't you wonder not "what is wrong with them" but "what is wrong with me?"?
"American Thinker," eh?
Sounds like a contradiction in terms, in their case...
The casting of opinions that differ from the liberal orthodoxy as "hate speech" is the stuff of the conflict resolution, "peace," and anti-bullying programs. Students are emotionally bullied into rejecting conservative ideas.
Students are bullied by anti-bullying programs? Really?
In the plus ça change, plus c'est le même chose category, the words of the late philosopher John Stuart Mill seem ever more appropriate:
I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. -- Letter to the Conservative MP, Sir John Pakington, March 1866
WV: strillol. Strident vitriol, or what comes out whenever a conservative's lips are moving.
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