Monday, May 2, 2016

Not Exactly Rabid Fans of RABID

Both our equipment and our lives have had some technical difficulties lately, but Episode 6 of The Slumgullion is out! (Please clap.)

This week, Jeff and I talk about David Cronenberg's 1977 body horror classic (?), Rabid, starring that cynosure of Porno Chic, Marilyn Chambers. I also do a dramatic reading Zach Synder's Man of Steel.

The Slumgullion Episode 6 “The Soskas are Going to Kill Us
• May 2, 2016 
Starring Jeff Holland and Scott Clevenger 
We take you back to a gentler time, when people still hated the Walking Dead finale and the Doctor Strange teaser hadn’t dropped yet.  The first half of the show goes by without incident, as Jeff and Scott do their usual pop culture tangent surfing. 
The break is another in depth solo review from Mr. Clevenger. 
The Unknown Movie Challenge this week is David Cronenberg’s Rabid, soon to be remade by the titular twins, and Jeff and Scott discover that the film has a mighty fan.
Please give it a listen, by clicking here. And as we say on the show, we're genuinely interested in opposing views, so if you think we missed the point of the film, or didn't go far enough in our criticism, feel free to comment here, and we'll read and address your thoughts on the next show.

And thanks, as always.

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