Monday, December 22, 2014

The Shofar Meets the Tijuana Brass

Despite the way many evangelicals speak of our common "Judeo-Christian heritage," there as been a chasm between these two Abrahamic faiths for far too long. Well, my friends, I think that chasm has just been breached. Or connected. Whatever. What I'm trying to say is, two of the world's major religions have found common ground. And that ground is made of velvet.
It's true. America's Swap Meets no longer need be overrun by velvet paintings of Jesus, dressed as a member of KISS, or apparently shooting up drugs of some kind.  Thanks to Oy Toys, Americans will now have the option of choosing from an acid inspired Menorah, or a black light dreidel. 

Yes, true equality will only be realized when each person can enjoy his or her own religious symbols rendered in velvet, along with paintings of tigers, matadors, and topless ladies, because you're still gonna need to dress up your apartment the rest of the year.


Anonymous said...

ANNTI sez...

Not often am I struck dumbfounded, let alone speechless, but I'd have to say that the images to which you linked, Mary, have damned well done that. Dunno which was more shocking, Jeebus-as-KISS or Jeebus-as-junkie. Wonder about the, um, "individuals" who foisted such imagery upon an unsuspecting world...

I kinda like the pseudo-black-velvet coloring posters, except I'm always stuck with what the hell to do with them when they're done. Nope, not gonna hang that on the wall, just enjoy the process.

And as infuriating and idiotic as the new "prove you're not a robot" shit is (TWELVE FUCKING ATTEMPTS THE OTHER NIGHT, AND NEVER GOT MY COMMENT IN!!!), motherfucking MOZILLA has COMMANDEERED this comment window TWICE, when I was HALF-DONE, the twunts!!! I ***just*** sent those cunts money the other day, and NOW they're KIDNAPPING MY COMMENTS?!?!?!? As much as I despise Chrome, I'm starting to re-think it at this point...

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Holy Nekkid Cheney riding a tiger, Batman!

Dr.BDH said...

I don't even want to know what you enter in Google Images to find those links.

But is there a black velvet Elvis mit yamulka out there? That I would pay for.
