Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time to Get Tough, Michele!

"...and I'm wearing this brass-buttoned Hussar's uniform as a tribute to our brave Ruritanian allies."

Michele Bachmann has the right idea (announcing that if she were President, she'd shut down our embassy in Iran), but she's too timid in her convictions.  If I were President, I'd close our embassy on the Moon, recall our ambassador from Babylon 5, and withdraw from the League of Nations!

Ball's in your court, Michele.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

One L only gots one l, Scott.

And she doesn't command the 7th largest army in the world like Generalissimo Bloomberg, either.

scripto said...

Line up servers - I want to see who dropped this press-on nail in the soup

Scott said...

One L only gots one l, Scott.

But I thought she deserved two, because you can't have Hell with only one L.

Thanks for the catch. Fixed it.

Anonymous said...

Rhythm Method Nation, 1812

--Sour Kraut

M. Bouffant said...

In a sane, rational nation, a person like this M.B. would have been ridden out of town on a rail, rather than elected & twice returned to Congress.

There is no hope for us, is there?

Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

Hope, I don't see on the horizon, but having her declared a ward of the state because she IS a danger to herself and others... THAT is a concrete and plausible possibility!!!

And yes, it also applies to Newtie the toady twerp, *and* Mitty. He believes in illegally baptizing the unknowing and unwilling and the dead into his church, an invasion of privacy that, thus far, only the Anti-Defamation League, has been able to halt on behalf of Holocaust victims. Where's OUR Anti-Defamation League lawyers???

Carl said...

I have a cunning plan.

Barack Obama needs to appoint Mickey, Bachmann, ambassador to either Iran or to the Red Lectroids from Planet 10 in the 8th dimension.

Helmut Monotreme said...

Dammit. I was hoping for the Planet 10 in the 8th dimension ambassador appointment. Did I waste four years learning their language and picking up that double master's degree in Red Lectroid history and economics?

Anonymous said...

And yet she sits on the "Intelligence Committee."

Irony, him dead.

Dr.BDH said...

...she sits on the "Intelligence Committee."

And they they ask nice, she'll get off of them.

Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

"...sit on my faaaaace, and tell me that you love meeee, I'll sit on your face and tell you I love YOUUUUU, tooo..."

I know, O'Bachmann & oral gymnastics, not a pretty combo, except to masochistic Death Row inmates and "Cured Of Teh Ghey" bibul-banging closet-cases.

But after what Dr.BDH said, that song just BLAPPED right up against the inside of my skull. No choice on that one.

Carl said...

That outfit makes her look like she should be on a cruise ship, carrying a carafe of coffee.

Why is my Captcha Norwegian???

Scott said...

Why is my Captcha Norwegian???

Because this post was sponsored by Norwegian Cruise Lines. Next time you're on the Lido Deck, ask Michele for a refill.

Carl said...

The Love Boat, captained by Herman Cain

Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

I woulda thought that the bald captain should be Cheney, with Herman grinning like Ted Lange as he powers-up the blender and points at you with that dirty-old-man wink of his (Herman's, of course)...

But I wouldn't even trust Michele as wait-staff, let alone as Julie the Activities Director or whatever in the hell she was in that gawdlessawful bowl cut. Put 'er down in the engine room with the stowaways, let her think that she's "running" the boat.

And if she manages to sink it, there's always Rick Perry's giant inflatable hairdo and the even bigger ego to serve as lifeboats!
